Rules of Conduct

COAP is geared towards young professionals, and therefore professional conduct is expected at all times from everyone participating in any course. The use of  language that is derogatory, hateful, malicious, or rude will not be tolerated at any time. 

The cornerstone of professional conduct is RESPECT

  1. Respect for the coaches and their time is essential

    • You must endeavor to be on time for lessons, classes, and auditions and communicate in ample time if you need to miss or reschedule a session.

    • You are not guaranteed any time that was missed due to being absent from a session or tardiness.

  2. Respect for your colleagues and their time is critical as much of the work in this intensive is done in a group setting.

  3. Incidents of disrespect, including tardiness or missing/not scheduling group sessions, will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

  4. COAP reserves the right to remove a participant from the program without refund at their discretion for repeated professional misconduct.